Brad Kearns
Brad Kearns
Brad Kearns, NY Times bestselling author, Guinness WR Speedgolfer, #1 USA 55-59 high jumper, former US national champion and #3 world-ranked pro triathlete.
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Peak Performance for Healthy Mind and Body

Do you seek vibrant health? If yes it is essential to focus on key elements of peak performance for a healthy mind and body. Despite having a solid exercise program that includes a weekend adventure, weekday training, and weekly strength and flexibility workouts, you will agree that a healthy lifestyle is more than your exercise routine. Today with the hectic pace of life it is possible that you are cutting corners on sleep, stressing about work or family and trying to fit everything in, and skipping social commitments with friends.

Don’t you think rather than adding more workouts to reach your objective, the answer may lie in looking at what you’re doing with the other hours of your day? If you are looking to make meaningful and lasting changes in your life, find a professional coach who specializes in peak performance fitness and can help you.

Indeed proper nutrition strongly affects your physical performance, whether you are a committed athlete, weekend warrior, or just trying to get fit with more exercise. Since your body goes through a lot during the day the food you supply it with helps it to function properly. When your body is demanding more fuel you have to pay attention by fueling it with proper nutrition. Peak performance ensures you get a nutritious diet when you are looking to improve your physical performance.

At peak performance fitness implementing a nutritious diet into your life is the main goal. Your body needs a consistent mix of proper nutrients to function at its peak performance. There are two main types of nutrients namely micronutrients and macronutrients.

At peak longevity programs trained physical therapists help assist you in how to properly make your body full of vitality with the nutritious diet, you need to train for an event or compete in a physical obstacle. Peak performance is an important part of sports and sportsmanship. Without a doubt, peak performance is when any individual performs at optimal levels physically, mentally, and at times both. When you have pushed yourself outside of your comfort zone you have achieved peak performance. You have gone beyond narrow-mindedness, and day-to-day tasks and have looked at the bigger picture, thus you have pushed through life transitions, change, uncertainty, and challenges.

Now you can enjoy peak performance with passion throughout life with Brad Kearns, New York Times bestselling author, Guinness World Record Speed golfer, and 2020 #1 USA Masters age 55-59 high jumper.

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Brad Kearns
Brad Kearns, NY Times bestselling author, Guinness WR Speedgolfer, #1 USA 55-59 high jumper, former US national champion and #3 world-ranked pro triathlete.