Beyond Pest
Beyond Pest
Beyond-Pest provides Pest Control Services for both Homes and Businesses across Singapore. Call us at +65 9047 1469.
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How to stop white ants from invading your home?

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How to eliminate white ants from home?

This is often an issue almost every homeowner in Singapore is asking.

Counting on where you reside, ants’ infestation is an all-year problem but you'll avoid this problem if you're taking proper white ants, pest control measures.

But before you start and hire the best termite control Singapore, you initially got to understand the behavior of ants.

The white ants operate in colonies that have a queen to lay the eggs, sterile females as the workers, and short-lived male ants. Those ants that you simply often see them foraging in your kitchen or garden are the workers. Whenever these workers find food, they convey to the remainder by leaving a chemical message behind as they crawl back.

You cannot smell or see the chemical message and it'll stay for an extended time to assist other ants to trace the food. Another thing to notice is that ants develop wings during the spring season to enable them to fly to new locations within the search of food and shelter.

Having learned their behavior, now you're in a better position to eliminate them.

Here are 5 important tips you would like to stay to if you would like long-term white ants pest control solutions.

· First,you would like to seal all the cracks and crevices in your house. These are entry points for ants and once they are sealed, these pests won’t have access to your house.

· Second,spray-on such entry points with detergent and a residual insecticide afterward. This is often to distract the trail phenomenon so that ants will not have communication into your house.

Read Also: 5 Tips to Find the Right Pest Control Service Agency in Singapore

These two tips will assist you to control ants that live outside your house from invading in. People who are seeing nests inside their house may use the subsequent measures.

· Third,always make sure that you retain your floor, tables, and kitchen work surfaces clean from crumbs, spills, and other dirt. Sweep or wipe even the littlest crumb because that tiny crumb can attract a bunch of white ants. If your child spills juice, confirm that it's quickly wiped with water and a touch little bit of mild dish soap. The juice is sugary and it an ant activator. Dish soap on the opposite hand is an enemy of ants. Use it to wash spills.

· Forth,if you retain foodstuff on your kitchen counter like sugar, coffee, floor, and what have you ever, confirm that you simply keep them in tightly sealed containers. For dirty dishes that you’ve used for dinner, make some extent of cleaning them before you head to bed. Ants wish to begin within the dark and once they find dirty utensils on the counter or the sink, you won’t love it.

· Lastly,you would like to form sure that the bowls you employ to feed your pets and clean and also replaced every other time.

Tips to settle on pest control Singapore


It takes a while for one to realize experience in every field. Of course, you'd not like to be experimented on by green practitioners. Establish the number of years that the termite controls Singapore has been in business.

· How do they train the recruits?

· Do they interact with experienced employees?

Safety measures

Most pest control substances are poisonous. Every pest control company Singapore should be willing to debate and sensitize its customers on the toxicity of their control measures.

Safety measures

The white ant pest control Singapore should also take measures that will reduce environmental risks.

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Beyond Pest
Beyond-Pest provides Pest Control Services for both Homes and Businesses across Singapore. Call us at +65 9047 1469.