I am Bri'ish
I am Bri'ish
Hey, my name is Andrey. Enjoy your tea. Culture Art Language.
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'Soil' and 'Soul' difference

Hello, mates! I've come up with an idea to make an article about a pair of words to highlight the difference between them.

Let's start with the main idea -

first of all, they are absolutely different and have unrelated meanings.

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soil - is related to two things: ground and dirt; land and country,

it is a material of Earth that plants grow in, used to support plant growth (the 2nd picture)

in a common way soil is mostly used in agricultural topics;

it also can be used in quite a metaphorical way like the next phrase '...panzers on Russian soil...' (Sabaton song 'Panzerkampf') (the 1st picture)

in a metaphorical way, 'soil' sounds more sublime than 'land', but the meaning is the same, both of them are nice in a point of patriotism :)


soul - something inside us that defines our actions, emotions, and psyche (the 3rd picture)

by the way, it's quite difficult to explain what it is,

soul is related to our internal spirit, something mysterious; some scientists think that after death a human body loses several grams and it can be a human soul.

Nevertheless, some people's behaviour and actions set doubt that every human has a soul. In this case, they can be called 'soulless people'.

as an example, I'd like to suggest one of my favourite phrases I often use: ‘it should go from your soulwhen it comes to doing something.


Alright, mates. Now there is no misunderstanding that can make us use 'soil' instead of 'soul' and vice versa.

Then, let's drink to that with a cup of nice and fragrant tea!

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I am Bri'ish
Hey, my name is Andrey. Enjoy your tea. Culture Art Language.