Aikido of Gainesville
Aikido of Gainesville
If you are looking for Aikido classes services in Florida? Then contact Aikido of Gainesville because we offer Judo and Karate.
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Aikido is a martial art in which you must harmonize your energy for a self-defence system. It deals with twisting and throwing techniques to turn the attacker's strength and momentum against yourself. It is an excellent and popular martial art in which you must apply absolute pressure to vital nerve centers. So, if you are looking for the best Aikido martial art in Florida for your child or yourself, then consider AIKIDO OF GAINESVILLE for once.

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aikido dojo Florida


We are fortunate for decades in handcrafted training and style of Aikido dojo in Florida. Our all training and style of aikido dojo in Florida is pulled from the 16th-century samurai mansion by Reverend Kensho Furuya. Here, students sought a new space that could be imbued with the residence and schools' spirit, presence, and beauty. We have built over the course of many years and now have approached the need to relocate. This place and the course are so much more than just learning, technique, and source of knowledge.

Some Lifelong Benefits of Learning Aikido

Improve Balance

Aikido's movements and stances help build muscle strength and stability, which naturally improves balance. If you struggle with balance, the first few classes will most likely be difficult, but as your strength improves, you will notice that your balance is improving at the same pace.

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aikido martial arts Florida

Elderly people should mostly teach Aikido because, during old age, a person faces most difficulties with their body balance. But with Aikido training, the fear of falling and frequent incidents of falling reduce. It also gives them the confidence to stop worrying about falling.

Better Coordination

Aikido teaches you the essence of coordination. Coordination doesn't come naturally in a day, but it teaches and develops in you over time. So, the more you practice Aikido techniques, the more your coordination will improve.

Aikido is safe to get back and depends on how you approach it, so if you are interested in Aikido martial art in Florida for your child and yourself, visit or contact us.

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Aikido of Gainesville
If you are looking for Aikido classes services in Florida? Then contact Aikido of Gainesville because we offer Judo and Karate.